Friday, January 28, 2011


Character Ideation class
Twist up a fairytale.

I chose Beauty and the Beast, set in Edo Japan.
The beauty - Kaida, A feisty daughter of a merchant, she has trouble adapting the social mannerisms of her time frame and refuses to take things quietly wanting to not be the delicate flower that is painted on scrolls


The Beast -  Once a human warrior, He has been tricked to serving Lord Ao as his samurai till death does his honor part. Unfortunately the armor bestowed upon him grants him immortality and lack of will. His choice to do this was out of spite that he could not be part of the shogun wars.

The father - A once prestigious merchant, his fortunes have fallen down as of late. No longer able to afford samurai to protect his cargo and having no servants at his whim but 6 spoiled children. He makes the mistake of taking someone's hospitality too far when he tries stealing from the very castle that sheltered him one stormy night

The true master of the Castle - Lord Ao perfers to keep himself a great mystery to his guests. Even his fellow demons and spirits. He however has an affinity for stories and keep himself in a room lit of a hundred candles.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


First Blog.
Going to be very new, but will be very perceverant on this.
Preview posting site was and might still be Deviantart (for more casual scribbles)

Best way to get a hold of me is through hotmail

serves as my school and usual negotiating email and will be checked the most frequently.
To see dA page.
